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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 8(2); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2012;8(2): 95-98.
Matriderm® 과 부분 층 피부 이식을 이용한 광범위한 하지의 외상 후 전 층 손상 재건의 치험예
순천향대학교 의과대학 부천병원 성형외과학교실
Reconstruction of Post-traumatic Wide Full-thickness Defects with Matriderm? and Split Thickness Skin Graft on Lower Extremity: Case Report
Ba Leun Han, Eun Soo Park
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon Hospital, Bucheon, Korea
  Published online: 30 November 2012.
Reconstruction of post-traumatic full-thickness defects may benefit from intergration of artificial dermal substitute, which serve as a foundation for split-thickness skin graft. We present a patient who were treated in our clinic for wide complicated skin and soft tissue defect on lower extremity by the collagen/elastin matrix Matriderm? with split-thickness skin graft. Overall graft take was excellent and quality was closed to normal skin in terms of elascity, flexibility and texture. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2012;8:95-98)
Key Words: Matriderm?,Skin transplantation
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