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Journal of Wound Management and Research (J Wound Manag Res: JWMR) is the official journal of the Korean Wound Management Society (KWMS). As KWMS has grown into Korea's foremost representative academic organization in the field of wound management, JWMR also aims to contribute as a prominent journal befitting KWMS in the local field. JWMR will furthermore endeavor to follow in KWMS's footsteps of international recognition, especially as a hub of wound management and research in Asia.

JWMR is published thrice per year (28th of February, 30th of June and 31th of October). It is a peer-reviewed, open access journal serving a diverse interdisciplinary audience that publishes articles in all aspects of wound management, including prevention, maintenance, and healing. Researchers, scholars and clinicians from all fields involving wound management and research including but not limited to surgery, dermatology, oncology, infection, nursing, physical therapy, podiatry and pharmacology are invited to submit original articles; review articles, case reports, ideas and innovations, book reviews, and letters are also welcomed.

Topics published include but are not limited to:

• Basic research
• Acute wounds
• Surgical and non-skin wounds
• Diabetic wounds
• Leg wounds
• Burn wounds
• Pressure injuries
• Oncological wounds
• Tissue repair and regeneration
• Wound defect reconstruction
• Wound dressings
• Education and training
• Legal and economic implications of wound management
• Examples of provision of care to wound patients

JWMR offers an online manuscript submission for rapid peer-review and communication between authors and editors. Though the journal website and online submission system are both fully in English to accommodate not only Korean but also international authors and readers, submissions are accepted and published in both English and Korean, to encourage wound specialists more comfortable with either language. The Editors are supported by a board of experts and a panel of international reviewers across a wide range of disciplines and specialties.

Background and Indexation
From 2017, JWMR succeeds the Journal of the Korean Wound Care Society (ISSN: 1738-8597), which was first published in 2005, later changed to Journal of Korean Wound Management Society (ISSN: 1738-8597) in 2008.

JWMR is indexed/tracked/covered by Scopus, KoreaMed, KoMCI, ROAD, CrossRef and Google Scholar.

This work was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) grant funded by the Korean government.

Editorial Office
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dankook University Hospital
201 Manghyang-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan 31116, Korea
TEL: +82-41-550-6285   FAX: +82-41-556-0524   E-mail: office@jwmr.org
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