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Article Processing Charge > For Authors and Reviewers > Article Processing Charge

For unsolicited manuscripts, the corresponding author is asked to pay for a portion of the article processing costs. The basic processing charge for an article is 200,000 Korean won, plus 40,000 Korean won for each published page, regardless of the type of article. Commissioned articles such as editorials, invited reviews, and book reviews are free of charge. Articles that are classified as "letters" or "communications" are also free of charge.

As of November 2024, for manuscripts authored in nations other than South Korea, article processing charges will be charged according to eligibility for access to Research4Life (https://www.research4life.org/access/eligibility/). Based on the affiliation of the corresponding author, article processing charges for manuscripts authored in Group A nations will be waived, and discounted 50% for manuscripts authored in Group B nations. Manuscripts from other nations (not in Group A or B) will be charged normal article processing fees (200 USD + 40 USD for each published page).

Fast Track Publication
A fast track review and publication process is available for authors who desire quick publication of their papers. The review process will be conducted as rapidly as possible. When and after the decision for acceptance has been made by the Editor-in-Chief, the editing and proofreading process proceeds just as for normal publications. The acceptance of fast track submission manuscripts will be decided solely based on scientific merits of manuscripts. Regardless of nationality, the corresponding author will be charged a non-refundable submission fee of 50,000 Korean won (50 USD) per article for fast track submissions, and an additional basic article processing charge of 600,000 Korean won (600 USD), plus 100,000 Korean won (100 USD) per page for each article accepted for publication.

Details on fast track submission and publication can be found at Fast Track Submission.

Editorial Office
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Dankook University Hospital
201 Manghyang-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan 31116, Korea
TEL: +82-41-550-6285   FAX: +82-41-556-0524   E-mail: office@jwmr.org
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