Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2007;3(2): 78-82. |
욕창에 있어 구더기의 임상적 적용 |
김정윤ㆍ허찬영ㆍ민경원 |
서울대학교 분당병원 성형외과 |
Clinical Application of Maggots in Pressure Ulcer |
Jungyoon Kim, Chan Yeong Heo, Kyung Won Minn |
Department of Plastic Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea |
Published online: 30 November 2007. |
The pressure ulcer is a challenge for modern health care. The basic principle of treatment includes removal of sloughyand devitalized tissue to prevent wound infection and delayed healing. For centuries, the maggot therapy has been recognized as an aid to the wound healing by way of removing devitalized tissue to decrease the risk of infection. We initiated a study to evaluate the utility of maggot therapy for treating the pressure ulcer. Eleven patients were given the maggot therapy after a baseline assessment of healing. The sterile maggots of the green bottle fly, Lucilia (Phaenicia) sericata were used for the maggot therapy. wereput into and left in the wound for three to four days. Surface area, tissue quality and healing rates were monitored weekly. It took 7.5 days on an average to get rid of 50% of the necrotic tissue. And it took 13.8 days on an average to get rid of 90% of the necrotic tissue. As the therapy progressed, new layers of healthy tissue were formed over the wounds and the offensive odor emanating from the necrotic tissue decreased significantly. There was no significant complication except pain in 27.2% of the patients. Maggot therapy was significantly effective for cleaning the pressure ulcer wounds and initiating the granulation. It was safe and simple. In conclusion, the maggot therapy can be a valuable modality in the treatment of pressure ulcers. (J Korean Wound Care Soc 2007;3:78-82) |
Key Words:
Maggot, Debridement, Pressure Ulcer |