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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 10(1); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2014;10(1): 9-13.
상처간호사를 대상으로 만성 상처 환자 드레싱 교환 시상처 주변 피부 벗겨짐 및 통증에 관한 연구
분당서울대학교병원 간호본부
Dressing-related Pain and Periwound Skin Tearing Which Patients with Chronic Wounds Suffer During the Dressing Change: Korean Wound Care Nurse’s Perspective
Jung Yoon Kim
Nursing Department, Seoul Natioanl University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  Published online: 30 May 2014.
The Pain and the periwound skin tearing related to the dressing change are an important problem for patients.. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted to investigate the pain and skin-tearing which wound care nurses experience during the dressing change. Data was collected from wound care nurses in Korea by using telephone and e-mail. A total of 22 wound care nurses with a mean age of 35.1 (SD=5.72) years from eight different areas responded to this investigation. It was found that the dressing change is the primary cause for skin tearing in hospital (54.5%). 72.7% of wound care nurses reported that patients complain pain while the dressing is changed. They also reported that the frequency of dressing related pain during the dressing-change is 33.18 and skin tearing 9.18 per week. However, it was found that among these respondents to this investigation, only few of them assess and record the dressing related pain and the skin tearing during the dressing-change (45.5%, 40.9%). Many patients experience the dressing-related pain and the periwound skin tearing during the dressing-change. The more efficient and successful evaluation and prevention of the dressing-related pain and the skin tearing requires the appropriate protocol and assessment tool. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2014;10:9-13)
Key Words: Dressing-related pain, Periwound skin tearing, Chronic wounds
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