Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2006;2(1): 34-40. |
표피를 제거한 부분층 피부이식술 |
김정배·한승규1·김우경1 |
건양대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실, 1고려대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실 |
Deepithelialized Split Thickness Skin Graft |
Jeong-Bae Kim, Seung-Kyu Han1, Woo-Kyung Kim1 |
Department of Plastic Surgery, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejeon, 1Department of Plastic Surgery, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Published online: 31 May 2005. |
The two major concerns in skin grafting are poor color match in the recipient site and the donor site morbidity. A deepithelialized split thickness skin graft was used to minimize these problems. The important aspects of this method involve immediate return of epidermis to the donor site and restoration of the recipient site's epidermis by inducing epithelialization from adjacent skin. From April of 2001 to March of 2004, new skin garft and conventional skin graft (STSG) were performed in 53 and 33 patients, respectively. The healing time, the scar condition, and the patients' satisfaction were compared. Regarding the recipient sites, the wounds of the new skin graft (n=53) and conventional STSG (n=33) had reepithelialized after 15.5⁑1.9 and 11.8⁑1.6 days, respectively. Scarring were less severe on the new skin graft in terms of pigmentation, height, and vascularity (p<0.05). No significant difference in pliability was detected. The patients' satisfaction with the new skin graft was also better. Concerning the donor sites, the wounds healed within 7.5⁑0.8 and 12.8⁑1.1 days, respectively. In terms of scar quality and patients' satisfaction, the new skin graft (n=26) showed better result. The new skin graft is superior both aesthetically and functionally to conventional STSG in both the recipient and donor sites. (J Korean Wound Care Soc 2006;2:34-40) |
Key Words:
Deepithelialization, Split thickness skin graft |