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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 11(2); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2015;11(2): 67-81.
Effects of Various Pectin/CMC Dressing Materials on Different Types of Wound Models
In Gook Cho1, Jung Dug Yang1, Jeong Woo Lee1, Kang Young Choi1,Ho Yun Chung1, Byung Chae Cho1, Joon Hyun Kwon1, Kyung Min Jang2
1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,2Zenith Plastic Surgery, Ulsan, Korea
  Published online: 30 November 2015.
This study tested the efficacy of Pectin/CMC dressing materials with different pH and absorption degrees for 3 types of wound models. White rats were divided into 3 groups by wound model type: surgical, infected, and burn wounds. The rats were given 1 of 4 types of dressing with different pHs and absorption degrees. Assessments were made over time of the remaining wound and histological and biochemical tests. In fresh surgical wounds, Group A showed statistically lower contraction rate, lower healing rate, Group D showed statistically lower re-epithelization rate. In infected wounds, Group A and D showed better healing on 7th day, but Group B and C showed better healing on 21st day. In burn wounds, Group A showed lower contraction rate and lower healing rate on 7th and 14th day. Group C and D showed better healing on 21st day. This study demonstrates that the pH of Pectin/CMC dressing material is more important than absorption degree in fresh surgical and infected wound healing. However, absorption degree is more important than pH for burn wound healing. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2015;11:67-81)
Key Words: Bandages, Collagen, Pectin, Wound healing, Wound infection
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