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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 9(2); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2013;9(2): 118-121.
위볼기 동맥 천공지 피판(Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap)을 이용한 직장피부누공 및 직장방광누공을 동반한 엉치부근의 만성 창상의 치험예
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 성형외과학교실
Treatment of Sacral Chronic Wound with Enterocutaneous and Vesicorectal Fistula Using Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap: A Case Report
Bo-Young Kang, Goo-Hyun Mun
Department of Plastic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
  Published online: 30 November 2013.
In case of deep tissue defects accompanying other adverse conditions, especially such as enterocutaneous or vesicorectal fistula, reconstruction of sacral wound without complication is arduous conundrum. For successful outcome, it is crucial to eliminate dead space and causes that disturb wound healing, so that surgeons can prevent postoperative complication and recurrences. In this report, we described a case of chronic sacral wound with enterocutaneous and vesicorectal fistula after lower anterior resection of rectal cancer which made continuous drainage to open wound. Using superior gluteal artery perforator flap with precise flap insetting, authors provided adequate volume of soft tissue and external coverage with minimal donor site morbidity and stable healing status was achieved. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2013;9:118-121)
Key Words: Enterocutaneous fistula, Vesicorectal fistula, Sacral wound, Superior gluteal artery perforator flap
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