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J Korean Wound Management Soc > Volume 7(2); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2011;7(2): 088-091.
하지 및 족부의 개방성 창상의 진공 음압 치료 치험예
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 성형외과학교실
Management of Lower Leg and Foot Dorsum Open Wound: Case Report
Hong Sang Yoon, Byung Joon Jeon
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  Published online: 30 November 2011.
VAC technique is recently being used in open fractures with wide skin and soft tissue defects, producing good results. A wide array of dressing materials such as vacuum dressing is in development. Open wound is a common event after traffic accident for children. We report the case of managing 8 years-old man who had open wound that is fulled with necrotic tissue and unhealthy granulation tissue, is recovered after 2 months of the vacuum dressing without invasive surgical procedure. Debridement was performed for the hospitalization days and we decided to use vacuum dressing. Wound improved progressively and there was no complication. Therefore we did not need to skin graft or flap surgery. We have incorporated the VAC technique in the treatment of open fractures and achieved complication free results. (J Korean Wound Management Soc 2011;7:88-91)
Key Words: Fracture, Open wound, Vaccum, Dressing, Split thickness skin graft
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