Journal of the Korean Wound Management Society 2007;3(1): 1-8. |
표피성장인자와 혈소판유래성장인자가 창상치유에 미치는 효과 |
은석찬ㆍ허찬영ㆍ백롱민ㆍ민경원 |
서울대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실 |
Cutaneous Wound Healing Enhanced by Epidermal Growth Factor and Platelet Derived Growth Factor |
Seok Chan Eun, Chan Yeong Heo, Rong Min Baek, Kyung Won Minn |
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Published online: 30 May 2007. |
Wound healing is accomplished by contraction, re-epithelization, collagen synthesis and generation of granulation tissue. In the superficial wound, reepitheli-zation plays an important role, and on the contrary, contraction is an important contributor in the deep wound healing, The two growth factors, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), have been known as having important promoting effect in the wound healing process. But the specific effect of each growth factor and which has a more profound effect on the epithelialization and wound contraction is not clearly defined. This study was conducted to clarify the effect of the healing promotion activity of EGF and PDGF by making superficial and full thickness wound on back area of 30 rats which were divided into two groups. In the split-thickness wound group, three wounds were created in each rat by making superficial burn wound. In the full-thickness wound group, three wounds were created by excision of skin and panniculus carnosus. Then, in the experimental groups, the wounds were treated with EGF spray (50Ռg/ml) and PDGF cream (100Ռg/g) mixtured with silvadene and compared with control groups which were treated with Silvadene cream only. After topical application of PDGF and EGF, the rate of wound healing was daily observed and compared with control group. The results were as follows; 1. In superficial thickness wound group, the EGF group showed faster epithelization than the PDGF and control group (<0.005). 2. In full thickness wound group, the PDGF group showed faster wound contraction and epithelization than EGF group, but statistically not significant (p>0.005). 3. Histologically, in the EGF and PDGF group, re-epithelialized epithelium was thicker and keratinocytes were more increased, the collagen fibers were organized in a linear pattern and connective tissue was matured faster than control group. In conclusion EGF has a significant effect on epithelization in superficial thickness wound. In full thickness wound, the EGF and PDGF showed nearly same promoting effect of wound healing. (J Korean Wound Care Soc 2007;3:1-8) |
Key Words:
EGF, PDGF, Wound healing |